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Phangrei Hill, Manipur

Phangrei Hill

Hills and mountains have always attracted human being for the greatest endeavours and adventures.
Located in the most beautiful district of Manipur in Ukhrul, Phangrei Hill offers the scenic beauty and adventure of its own.
Top view of the Phangrei Hill
This hill is located at a journey of almost one hour from the Ukhrul district. It requires utmost care when you are driving for the first time here as the hilly roads are very different from the plain areas.
One has to come Ukhrul from Imphal, the capital of Manipur which is around 85kms from Imphal and takes around 4 hours by four wheeler.
Small eatery near Phangrei Hill

I stayed at 24th North, a restaurant come kohotel in Ukhrul main town. The hotel offers quality good and that too at a reasonable rate. You can have a view of the hill from the window of your hotel room when you will see clouds are hanging over the hills.
Sometimes when you wake up in the morning you will find that the valleys are filled with white clouds as if the clouds have taken recluse in the valley itself for the time best known to them.

24th North-Restaurant cum hotel
The climb
Be ready for a stiff climbing to reach at the top. Though you won't find the boulders and pebbles as the entire hill is impregnated with spruce trees and grasses.  Make sure you are carrying water with you. As you go up the temperature sinks down and you feel chill suddenly.  One of the important thing about weather of Ukhrul is that it romances with the wind and it's mood it is too moody. At one point of time it seems it is a sunny day but all of a sudden clouds come and it may rain.
So keep the warm clothing stuff with yourself.

Lake on the top
At the top of the Phangrei hill a surprise is waiting for you. And it is non other than a serene and beautiful lake. Though it is a seasonal lake but in winter you may find water in it. On the western direction of the lake our neighbour Myanmar or Verma is there.
Lake on top of Phangrei Hill
Scenic beauty
Now you are at the top of the Phangrei hill. In rainy season the beauty of this entire hill and valley is spectacular. White and pink varieties of Lily covered the entire hill and valley. And it is the most beautiful and apt time to visit this place if you want to see the lily in the hills.
Now after coming to the top you feel as if you are at the top of the world. The cool breezes, clouds blowing with the wind and all around you there are green vegetation.
The way to Phangrei Hill

An unknown beauty
Phangrei hill and in fact Ukhrul district is the most beautiful places in Manipur. If you are coming to visit Manipur make sure you are coming for a long duration. You can visit the local villages, enjoy the local cousins and if you are coming in Movement then can enjoy the local festival.

I am on the top of Phangrei Hill
Responsible tourist
The earth is gift to the mankind and keeping it clean is our responsibility. Make sure you are not leaving any garbage and plastic in and around the lake and the valley. Enjoy the beauty of nature, beauty of Ukhrul and beauty of  

Manipur , Tourism , Manipur Tourism, North East India , Northeastern India, North East, Incredible India, Nawal Kishor, TravelTour, Trekking, Trekking Hills, Hills, Indian Hills, Winter, Local Tourism


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