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Indivisual participation is the key for social revolution at grassroot level

Social entrepreneurship and social marketing have become the popular jargons for sustainable development and economic prosperity among social scientist. Though the world is witnessing a multitudinous development in all sphere of society,the world leaders and social scientist are advocating for development at grassroots level to bring the benefits of development to doorstep of every individual. But how this could be achieved.? The best suggested way is to involve the people at the primary level. The locals and the native are the best available resources to make this dream possible.
We are far behind the goal envisioned by UN for millennium development. Many ways have been suggested to bring social equality and economic prosperity at grassroots level. The locals have their traditional resources and technique which can be used for creating a viable business atmosphere. The local businessmen and agro-companies can also be invited as partner in this regard. While the rural folk would provide the manpower and skills, the corporate houses can help them with technology and financial aid.
There is another layer in this discussion which should be brought at the upfront. The people at panchayat and village level have to be make aware about the participation and their role in the development of the community at large. Projects which have been undertaken at the local level would be fruitful in creating an amicable environment. A penchant for local participation is necessary to make this dream come true......


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