The upsurge of popular voice in Northern Africa and Middle-east against the tyrannical establishment and a dictatorship regime is a welcome step forward for equity,justice,rule of law and democratic governance. The outcome of peopel's revolt in Tunisia and Egypt have brought to the fore the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi-satyagraha and non-violence. As the popular upsurge started in these two countries suddenly terms such as terror-camps and religion-centric approach of social change faded way for the time being. It is really amazing to see that the ideals of Gandhiji are still relevant after a century.
While the African countries got freedom from colonial rule but that freedom was short lived. The aspiration of people to live freely was marred by their own people or you can say the monarch,military ruler or the so called prince of these countries. The participation of youth and other communities without any distinction of cast and creed made the revolt successful in Tunisia and Egypt. The wave of free media, people participation and an aspiration to live freely has touched the entire middle-east. One thing is clear that you can't keep the people under confinement forever.
It is yet not sure what would be the future of countries like Egypt and Tunisia Tunisia, but one thing is very clear,people have dared to raise their voice for their dreams. It is dream of democratic aspiration,popular participation and freedom of expression.The recent killing of protesters in Bahrain by the regime is not going to suppress the revolt forever. The people of this region have breathed the free air..and the protest will continue. The time is ripe for other dictatorial regimes to give space to people and integrate the popular aspiration to set up a platform for democratic governance in these countries.
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