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It might sound astonishing but it is true, one time meal in a day is really a hard bargain for many. Sometime i feel surprised do all human being belong to the same species? Though genetically our root goes to the same ancestors but still there are contrasting differences among us. A newspaper report says that around 230 million people are undernourished in rural India, the figure might be different in actuality.If we talk about the children then the scenario is really horrible, want to know?, 50% of the child death in India is due to malnutrition.
Can anybody answer where we are really heading for. What kind of development is this? If you turn your eyes in and around India you will find there have been two and three types of India growing within INDIA itself. So what measures should be taken to bridge this gap? Having a one time meal is everyone right. Lets make it a reality not just on paper but get it realized through smile of the people affected..
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